T.J. Roswell

Words that Illuminate, Research that Resonates, Thoughts that Inspire.

man in black crew neck shirt
man in black crew neck shirt

The Hidden World

In an epoch of unparalleled scientific discoveries juxtaposed against profound spiritual unrest, "The Hidden World" emerges as a beacon of enlightenment, unearthing the intricate dance between the tangible and the esoteric. Journeying beyond the confines of conventional literature, this magnum opus dives deep into the vast ocean of human consciousness, seeking intersections with the divine. At its core, it posits a radical idea—that the very essence of sacred scriptures is a mirror reflecting the depths of human introspection. While the Quran acts as a primary lens, the dialogue is artfully crafted to resonate with scriptures spanning religions. This manuscript bridges the chasm between spirituality and cognitive explorations in a world on the precipice of widening divides. It invites readers to venture into their inner sanctums and uncover the divine imprints within their psyche. "The Hidden World" is not just a book—it's a clarion call for spiritual autonomy, an invitation to transcend dogmas, and a guide to harmonising the material with the spiritual in our increasingly complex digital era. Let's illuminate the world with this transformative narrative, shedding light on the profound intersections of religion, psychology, and the essence of our being.

Available from Amazon UK, USA, and Australia.

Upcoming Releases.

The Woman in Sacred Text: Unveiling the Women of Sacred Lore

Between the Lines of Faith: Interpreting God in Sacred Writings

Minds Bound by Faith: Unraveling Morality in Holy Scriptures

Spiritual Symphonies: The Deeper Meanings of Religious Rituals

About T.J. Roswell

T.J. Roswell’s first work on ancient wisdom and human psychology, The Hidden World, was published by a UK based publisher in 2023. Roswell is an eminent scholar in comparative religion, ancient wisdom and human psychology.

His illustrious corporate career has spanned over two decades, during which he has rendered his invaluable services to several top-tier corporations across the globe. Roswell's scholarly contributions extend beyond corporate confines, as evidenced by his published research. His impactful papers have found their place in internationally acclaimed, peer-reviewed journals with multiple citations, thus reinforcing his influential status in this vital domain.

Parallel to his professional strides, T.J. Rosewell has maintained a strong fascination with the intricacies of human psychology. This fascination found an outlet in thought-provoking discussions and lectures he conducted within his close circle. Inspired by these enriching encounters, he translated his insightful deliberations into a book.

Marking his debut in the literary sphere, "The Hidden World" encapsulates his profound understanding of diverse aspects of human psychology. This book is a testament to his ability to transform intricate psychological notions into engaging and comprehensible narratives. Through "The Hidden World", Roswell invites readers to join him on an enlightening exploration of their internal worlds.

Throughout the annals of time, women have been relegated to mere instruments of male desire, viewed as possessions rather than as equals in numerous cultures. Astonishingly, even in cultures revering goddesses, the real-world treatment of women paints a stark contrast.

In established religions, women are often depicted as divine tokens of appreciation, gifted to men. Yet, is this portrayal the true essence of their role in sacred texts?

This exploration dives deep into the nuanced representation of women in holy scriptures. For instance, the Quran offers a plethora of terms like Nisa (Woman), Zauj (Spouse), Mamalakat (Bond Woman), Marat (Woman), Sahiba (Partner), Ummuhat (Mothers), Ikhwat (Sisters) and many more. Alongside these designations are intricate subjects like Nikkah (Marriage), Talaq (Divorce), Haiz (Menstruation), Hijab (Veil), Zana (Adultery) and others. This work seeks to uncover the core meanings, the unconventional interpretations, and the broader context behind these subjects in the holy scripture. Join us as we embark on this illuminating journey to unearth the profound depths of women's portrayal in the sacred tapestry of the Quran.

The Woman in Sacred Text.

In our forthcoming exploration, we will dive profoundly into the enigmatic realm of the Divine—delving into the very Concept of God, its inherent necessity, and its profound role in human existence's intricacies. Is our understanding of God merely a tapestry of tales and beliefs woven by the threads of human invention, or do the fibres reach out to touch the tangible, unassailable truths of the universe? We shall scrutinise the profound psychological and emotional impacts that God's conception, or deconstruction, of God, bestows upon the human psyche and the ripple effects such notions have on our day-to-day existence and moral compass. Moreover, as we leaf through the sacred pages of the Holy Scriptures, we will probe whether the divine depiction therein resonates with our interpretations or stands in contrast, urging us to redefine our very understanding of the Almighty.

Drawn from the profound wellsprings of the Quran, we shall embark on an analytical journey into the expanse of the word "Allah" (God) and His multifaceted creations: from the first human, Adam, to the ethereal beings of Angels, from the complexities of Satan's nature to the diverse lineage of Prophets and the stories of Nations that thrived and withered; from the vastness of the Heavens and Earth to the contrasting realms of Paradise and Hell. Rather than tread the well-worn paths of traditionalist, literalist, and conventional interpretations, our inquiry aims to illuminate these subjects purely through the lens of the Quranic context. Such an approach promises a fresh perspective, unburdened by pre-existing narratives, allowing the Quran's verses to shine light upon their own interconnected meanings and profound depths.

The Concept of God.

Minds Bound by Faith.

In our forthcoming exploration, we will dive profoundly into the enigmatic realm of the Divine—delving into the very Concept of God, its inherent necessity, and its profound role in human existence's intricacies. Is our understanding of God merely a tapestry of tales and beliefs woven by the threads of human invention, or do the fibres reach out to touch the tangible, unassailable truths of the universe? We shall scrutinise the profound psychological and emotional impacts that God's conception, or deconstruction, of God, bestows upon the human psyche and the ripple effects such notions have on our day-to-day existence and moral compass. Moreover, as we leaf through the sacred pages of the Holy Scriptures, we will probe whether the divine depiction therein resonates with our interpretations or stands in contrast, urging us to redefine our very understanding of the Almighty.

Drawn from the profound wellsprings of the Quran, we shall embark on an analytical journey into the expanse of the word "Allah" (God) and His multifaceted creations: from the first human, Adam, to the ethereal beings of Angels, from the complexities of Satan's nature to the diverse lineage of Prophets and the stories of Nations that thrived and withered; from the vastness of the Heavens and Earth to the contrasting realms of Paradise and Hell. Rather than tread the well-worn paths of traditionalist, literalist, and conventional interpretations, our inquiry aims to illuminate these subjects purely through the lens of the Quranic context. Such an approach promises a fresh perspective, unburdened by pre-existing narratives, allowing the Quran's verses to shine light upon their own interconnected meanings and profound depths.

Spiritual Symphonies.

In the vast tapestry of organised religions, a common thread emerges a meticulous architecture of rules and edicts designed to guide and, at times, govern the faithful. Central to these edicts are the religious rituals, intricate ceremonies and practices that individuals must meticulously uphold throughout their lives to remain aligned with their faith and to invoke the benevolence and favour of the Divine. From daily supplications to annual celebrations, these rites form the very bedrock of religious festivals across various faiths.

In a theoretical scenario devoid of established doctrines, narrative traditions, and ceremonial practices, one must ponder the continued existence and relevance of religion. This exploration delves into the psychological underpinnings that drive the human inclination towards ritualistic practices in religious contexts. It examines how these rituals fulfil emotional and psychological needs, often imparting a sense of fulfilment and superiority among adherents. The question at the core of this inquiry is whether religion, as we know it, would sustain its influence and identity in the absence of these fundamental elements.

Our scholarly exploration delves deep into the practices of Prayers, Fasting, Pilgrimage, Charity, Sacrificial Offerings, and more, as elucidated in the Holy Quran. Eschewing conventional and rote interpretations, we seek to illuminate the profound depths and nuanced meanings behind these rituals. Embark with us on this intellectual odyssey as we unearth the enigmatic intricacies of rituals encapsulated in sacred scriptures.